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How To Increase Body Weight Exercises

Many people underestimate the effectiveness of bodyweight exercises like cardio technician. These exercises help increase the strength of the entire body and reduce unwanted fat. The key is to develop a system that really works and will remain difficult.

One of the biggest problems with bodyweight exercises is that your body will adjust after a certain period of time. This is why you need to vary your routine and continue to increase the difficulty.

You can use bodyweight workouts as their only means of work, but the exercise is much more effective when used in combination with weightlifting.

Then, I will explain some bodyweight exercises that you can implement in your cardio routine as soon as possible.

One. Deep Squats

Some people fear that deep squats because of the misconception that can be harmful to your knees. Yes, if you have knee problems, probably avoid this exercise. However, if your knees are in good condition, deep squats legs are strengthened even more.

The difficulty of this exercise is much higher than traditional variation. The key to performing a deep squat is right to push your hips back as you squat, keep your weight on your heels and try to keep your back straight. Perform each rep nice and slow.

Two. Polymeric push-ups

This exercise is designed not only to build pure strength, but also explosive. I recommend starting with the traditional push-up before passing this year.

Start at the traditional push-up position, lower your body to the floor, and push up, operate on the ground, landing lightly on their land. Explosive Push-up will increase the resistance of the fast twitch muscle fibers, and are an excellent form of anaerobic training.

Three. Bear crawls

Ramp Bear are popular among athletes because of the high level of difficulty. For this exercise, you will need an open space. You will crawl on all fours as fast as you can for about 40-60 meters.

His triceps, shoulders and quads are on fire at the end of the year and you have to push yourself. Bears are an excellent ramp to develop whole body strength and anaerobic endurance.

April. Increase Body Weight Exercises Squats explosives

The explosive Increase Body Weight Exercises squats will increase your muscle strength Increase Body Weight Exercises contraction of fast-twitch fibers, and allow you to be more Increase Body Weight Exercises explosive.

Start with Increase Body Weight Exercises the traditional squat position, squat down to 90 degrees, Increase Body Weight Exercises explodes on the ground and land softly.

Squats explosive Increase Body Weight Exercises  point directly to Increase Body Weight Exercises the quads and gluteus.

These are just four of the hundreds Increase Body Weight Exercises of different bodyweight exercises you can use in your cardio routine. But this is a great starting Increase Body Weight Exercises point! (Increase Body Weight Exercises Increase Body Weight Exercises).