The traditional Asian diet is probably the healthiest diet in the world. It would be more accurate to say that it is more a lifestyle than a diet . In Asia , obesity is rare. If you 'ave ever wondered why Asians tend to be thin and healthy , then the answer is because of their diet. Since childhood , they taught by their elders how to eat healthy , how to choose the right colors and the combination of natural foods.
Asians do not try to lose weight. They reach their ideal natural and untreated due to its natural and healthy diet weight. The United States and other advanced Western countries, however, who took the place of a natural diet , obesity , heart disease , diabetes , cancer and other chronic diseases are processed foods increased an alarming rate. It is time for us to change our eating habits and learning the Asian way of healthy living.
Asians are among the healthiest people in the world . Chinese, Japanese and Korean are some of the longest lived people in the world. Asian owe their health and appearance of youth to your diet is generally low in saturated fat and no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Asians eat your fresh food in its most natural form.
The traditional Asian diet is basically food herbal and integrates various foods and ingredients such as :
- Fresh fruit
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Beans
- Rice
- Roots
- Algae
Some believe that the Asian diet pyramid to be vegetarian . Not . The traditional Asian diet does not include meat and fish . However, it is minimal and usually served as a garnish.
Asians use many types of fruits and vegetables in your kitchen. Onions, green leafy vegetables like spinach , cabbage , bananas, guavas , grapes, melon , watermelon and pineapple. The green leafy vegetables are packed with vitamins and nutrients. They are very good for detoxifying the body and keep the skin smooth and youthful. All Asian fruit , pineapple is probably one of the most popular.
Dairy products are not part of the traditional Asian diet and therefore rarely eaten . However, osteoporosis is rare in Asian countries because they eat a variety of calcium-rich plant foods. The calcium in milk or milk products is a poor substitute for the plant calcium because it is difficult for our body to absorb - it is not surprising that people in the West , despite consuming tons of dairy year, still suffer from osteoporosis.
Tea is a favorite beverage. It is a healthy drink that contains vitamins and antioxidants that help fight cancer and reverse the effects of aging. Traditional Asian Diet Tea also contains metabolism boosters to help burn fat and lose weight naturally Traditional Asian Diet.
By eliminating Traditional Asian Diet meat, alcohol and processed foods from Traditional Asian Diet your diet foods and consume large amounts of vegetables, Traditional Asian Diet whole grains and fresh fruits and weight loss will naturally follow. Do not forget to exercise regularly as this is Traditional Asian Diet also part of the Asian lifestyle and helps weight loss and keep your body healthy . (Traditional Asian Diet Traditional Asian Diet)