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Who Needs an AntiInflammatory Diet

Inflammation is often associated with lesions . You heel of your foot and toes are swollen . This is the basis of inflammation. Some people come to understand that the redness around the cut is also a form of inflammation that the immune system uses to heal the wound . What is not known is the fact that ignition occurs inside the body as well. When the body is in an inflammatory state , the risk of disease , cancer and heart disease may increase. An Anti Inflammatory diet is an easy way to combat this sequel and reduce the risk today.

I do not suffer from inflammation !

This statement is the most common and less good . Inflammation affects every person in the world at some point in their lives . In Western cultures , such as the United States, a large portion of the population is affected by inflammation everyday . Being overweight or obese is the most common inflammatory disease . Is this inflammatory response that could be the cause of certain conditions relating to the weight , such as diabetes .

When fat cells grow , they take the free space around the organs . Blood flow can be tightened and the body often feels like she is struggling to function normally. When the body feels threatened , inflammation occurs as a natural healing response . Unfortunately, unlike the small cut heals within several days. Obesity takes time to correct the body lives and on, the risk of long-term effects .

In the case of obesity , the diet change by reducing calories reduces body weight and thus reduce inflammation in the body. This is the advantage of a Anti Inflammatory diet easily. However, people who are obese or overweight are not the only people who can benefit from a Anti Inflammatory diet .

Treatment and prevention of diseases

There are many diseases and conditions caused by inflammation. These include asthma, arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome , pelvic inflammatory disease , endometriosis , diabetes , COP , psoriasis , colitis, and systemic lupus - to name a few . In total , there are about 40 currently recognized by the medical community who are affected by Anti Inflammatory diet  autoimmune diseases .

What I can do ?

The first step is to make dietary changes to reduce inflammation -based foods . Processed foods , fast foods and packaged foods foods can increase inflammation in the body. Replace these foods with lean meats , whole grains and healthy fats will make a big different in how the body reacts to inflammation. Also, if weight is a problem, reduce weight, while switching to a diet anti - inflammatory benefits can increase exponentially Anti Inflammatory diet .

The Anti Inflammatory diet transition to a Anti Inflammatory diet should not be in response to a disease or illness. Prevention is the best option and the Anti Inflammatory diet  can reduce the risk of many diseases listed . When the Anti Inflammatory diet body feels as if she must fight for survival , inflammation occurs , providing healthy foods that have Anti Inflammatory diet effect is Anti Inflammatory diet  an excellent choice for all people , including those who are young , in good health and Anti Inflammatory diet  feel they need diet anti Inflammatory diet.